Practice in Patient Care at the Therapeutic Department of a Hospital: Workbook. Clinical manual — V.Ye. Kondratiuk, V.A. Khomaziuk

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Анотація, характеристики, відгуки на книгу: Practice in Patient Care at the Therapeutic Department of a Hospital: Workbook. Clinical manual — V.Ye. Kondratiuk, V.A. Khomaziuk

The manual contains workbooks on Practice in Patient Care, which are aimed at improving the self-training of English-speaking students of the 2nd year to practical classes at the therapeutic department of a hospital. The structure and contents of the manual are adapted to the requirements of the new curriculum of the discipline «Practice in Patient Care» for training of specialists of the second (master’s) level of higher education, educational qualification «Master of Medicine». Structured self-study questions, situational tasks and quiz test questions will simplify and facilitate students’ work on their own. The manual was worked out by the teachers of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine No. 2 at Bogomolets National Medical University taking into account all suggestions and comments received during recent years from the pedagogical team, students and practicing doctors.
Manual for 2nd year medical students’ work on their own to prepare for practical classes for students of higher medical educational establishments.

Відомості про видання
Автор В.Є. Кондратюк, В.А. Хомазюк
Видавництво Всеукраїнське спеціалізоване видавництво «Медицина»
Вид робочи зошит
Мова англійська
Рік видання 2020
Кількість сторінок 112 (чорно-білі)
Тип обкладинки м’яка
Формат 60х90/16 (14,5х21,5 см)
Вага 140 г
ISBN 978-617-505-779-7 (9786175057797)

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Practice in Patient Care at the Therapeutic Department of a Hospital: Workbook. Clinical manual — V.Ye. Kondratiuk, V.A. Khomaziuk

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