Pollyanna Grows Up — Eleanor H. Porter, 2020
- Артикул: 75242
- ISBN: 978-617-07-0769-7
- Видавництво: Видавництво «Знання»
360 грн
- Наявність: На складі
• Нова Пошта (відділення)
• Кур'єром по Україні
• Самовивіз
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Анотація, характеристики, відгуки на книгу: Pollyanna Grows Up — Eleanor H. Porter, 2020
a novel by Eleanor Porter (1868—1920), has impressed readers so much
that after its release in 1913, the author got a real avalanche of
letters requesting to narrate about the further life of the protagonist.
As a result, the next novel — “Pollyanna Grows Up” — was published in
two years, in 1915. It has become a bestseller as well. Pollyanna is
growing up, and her life is full of both happy and sorrowful days. But
she never forgets the glad game that her father taught her once. It is
this game that helps the girl to find new friends, overcome life
hardships, and even solve old family mysteries. Thanks to the heroine’s
sincerity and optimism, quite several orphans manage to find loving
families and Pollyanna herself — real friendship and love.
Відомості про видання | |
Автор | Eleanor H. Porter |
Видавництво | Видавництво «Знання» |
Мова | Англійська |
Рік видання | 2020 |
Кількість сторінок | 302 |
Тип обкладинки | Тверда |
Формат | 70х90 1/32 |
Вага | 212 г |
ISBN | 978-617-07-0769-7 |