Anesthesiology and intensive care (textbook) — F.S. Hlumcher, Yu.L. Kuchyn, S.O. Dubrov et al., 2021

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Анотація, характеристики, відгуки на книгу: Anesthesiology and intensive care (textbook) — F.S. Hlumcher, Yu.L. Kuchyn, S.O. Dubrov et al., 2021

The textbook has been developed according to the new curriculum. The course of anesthesiology and intensive care lays the foundation for mastering emergencies that require the use of anesthesia and intensive care techniques. The study of these disciplines integrates the knowledge of internal medicine, pediatrics, and pharmacology, as students need to know the clinical physiology of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, liver, kidneys, etc. In the third edition, the authors updated several chapters of the textbook taking into account the significant changes that have occurred in the medical field in recent years. According to the new curriculum, the textbook includes the chapter Sepsis, Rational ­Antimicrobial Therapy.
For students of higher medical education institutions.

Відомості про видання
Автор(и) F.S. Hlumcher, Yu.L. Kuchyn, S.O. Dubrov et al. ; edited by F.S. Hlumcher, S.O. Dubrov
Видавець Всеукраїнське спеціалізоване видавництво «Медицина»
Мова Англійська
Рік видання 2021
Кількість сторінок 312
Формат 70х100 1/16
Тип обкладинки Тверда
Вага 595 г
ISBN 978-617-505-879-4

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Anesthesiology and intensive care (textbook) — F.S. Hlumcher, Yu.L. Kuchyn, S.O. Dubrov et al., 2021

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